Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sweeney Todd.

Well today I finally got to go out with a friend.After...I guess you can say I got stood up by my friends the day before...because we were suppose to go out and just hang with each other on Saturday...but something came up..something always comes up..


About today..My brother and I went went out with Sudhan and his brother to have lunch and just catch up with each was fun! after that we walked around KLCC...and all of us were just so fed up of KLCC..cause we've been there like sooo many's starting to wear us out.
We didnt know where we were headed to...but we kust wanted to kill time until my sister came to fetch us...then when I called her she said go book tickets for Sweeny Todd...and so we did and the line was friggin long!! whaddahello! Sudhan also bought tickets for a movie..then after awhile he headed off to it.

SO yeah..Sweeney Todd was good! A lot of singing and kinda gory but it was still good! I have to give props to Johnny Depp!!! He's such an amazing actor!! I love him!! and he sings really well! I never knew he could sing so I was really surprised when I heard him! haha and there were some scenes where you could see a little bit of Captain Jack Sparrow! haha and there was a part where he looked cynical! SCarrry!

There were also some familiar faces in the  movie! Most of the main characters were from Harry Potter.

  1. Helena Bonham Carter
  2. Alan Rickman
  3. Timothy Spall

Let's not forget Sacha Baron Cohen!!

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