Thursday, January 3, 2008

Intern at work. I've started working at my mum's place and it's going well..but however..I'm bored to death right now...there's nothing for me to do at this point in time....sigh...and here I thought I would get piles and piles of work to do...oh well... hehe....yesterday I talked to my mum about the first day here...and she said it's normal that you're bored on the first day because they would show you around the office..where the toilet was and the canteen and so on so on and not much of work to do because you're so new to the place and you have no idea how the system works around here.... and she joked about how she's paying me for doing nothing around the office haha....but it's kinda true...hehe!

Well I've got another hour until lunch! Yay! today is Meeehhooon!! XD


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