Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Old times...New Times..

I was just thinking...when I was way a teenie weenie...I was a serious BRAT! and I know that now...when I mean now..I mean when I'm older. So..I didn't really like my toddler days..and junior highschool days....I really hated those years...bad years.. I used to fight with my siblings all the time...I know that's normal and all but I dont like it at all..I cut the wire from my sister's game console with a scissors!I have no memory of that incident! haha talk about Nessa Scissorshand! and now as I'm abit older...and probably abit wiser I've become pretty close with both my siblings! and that's great!

Not only did I pick a fight with my siblings but with my schoolmates! Dont ask me why..cause I dont know the answer for that as well.It was in Form 4 when I decided to change my bratty attitude and take on a new leaf! and that new leaf really worked for me! I bonded with many of my classmates girls and boys from both classes and other forms as well. My grades started to go up! and I became proud of myself cause before this I sucked in my studies! although I did my homework but I never did well for my exams..and that really bummed me out!

Now I'm alot happier with the people I mix with and now I have many good friends who I can count on and trust as well as best friends!

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