Monday, January 21, 2008

Movie Crazed!

I think tonight I'm going to stuff my face with heaps of movies! For the past few weeks I've been craving for a movie. I don't really care what movie.Ok.. that's a lie..I do care what movie I watch...because I dont want to waste time on a bad movie! like Alien Vs Predator 2..I watched it twice with my friends and my family...worst 2 hrs of my movie life! It wasn't even scary!!

I suppose the director didnt know how to show the scenes with the proper angles..that's why it sucked like HEELL!

I just love watching moviess! I'm crazy for them!! I can even do repeats on the same movie over and over again..if that movie is seriously good..and I dont get fed up of it!

Sigh....but for now I feel like stuffing my face with food!! there's some right beside me!! and it's killing me!! because it's just right THERE! YA KNOWW!! but NOoo...must control....I MUST!!
gosh..heesh sinful food!! =P

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