Sunday, June 1, 2008
song update.
New songs that I've fallen in love with!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Hillsong concert
Wednesday I went for my first concert and it was Hillsong United! man was it fun!! feeling the bass of the drums!! oooo sweetttt!! and just going all mad in the crowd! Jumping and screaming my guts out! lol! and boy was it baloody HOT!! well that's what you get when 3000 people are releasing their body heat!.... Then princess brought me to this empty AIR CONDITIONED ROOM! ahhh the difference of temperature out there in the crowd and inside that room was huge!! soo nice and cold!! I initially didn't want to go into the crowd but princess dragged me down there! good thing she did! otherwise RM 50 down the drain =P
by the time we came back it was already 1.30 am and we were darn tired! I didn't sleep until like 2ish cause I couldn't sleep for some weird reason...and when I did get around to sleeping I would suddenly wake up in the middle of the night..=( my friend told me I was hyper the next day even though I didn't get much sleep....=)
I didn't take a lot of photos cause my camera sucks and I forgot to bring the canon..sigh....
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Where have you gone to??
I can't find my face wash!!! I've looked high and low for it and I can't find it anywhere in the house!! I don't understand how it could just disappear like that!! it's not as if it has legs and walk it's way out of here!???
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Update time
It's been awhile my bloggie!
well for starters I just finished exercising which I haven't been keeping up with for months now...and my body was telling me that it was bloody time to get to it! so I did...=) going on the treadmill is just plain boring..I'd rather go to the gym with my sister where over there..someone is pushing me! lol lazy me...=P next time lah
oh yah! we presented our menu yesterday and guess what!! It went well! and the teacher was impressed...I think... =S well from the way she talked it sounded like she was impressed with it..
Good lah!!! after our long hours of coming up with the idea and what to serve and long hours at the freezing library!!!

- That you should put lobsters into cold water so that it will be like it's natural environment..and that water will make the lobster relax therefore it's muscles will loosen up and after cooking it, the meat will be more tender. It's also because if we put it immediately into a piping hot pot of water that would be considered as cruelty to animals.
- That after cutting the lobster into half and putting salt onto the meat the muscles will still move!!
and I tried the lobsters what I think..was the intestine...and boy was that gross to eat..
but eating lobster meat raw isn't that bad...for someone who doesn't eat raw meat....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Birthday surprise!!
I woke up today expecting a normal birthday like every other year... but this friends totally surprised me!! haha so yeah I had an amazing birthday today!!!!!
It's amazing how little things like that makes one so happy!!! =)
After english class Sarah decided to take us to her house to just chill there....and when we got there, there was a steamboat all laid out on the table and boy was that good steamboat!! lol so anyway then I just turned my head for a second then when I turned back I saw Miss Sarah Tofu Tan walking towards me with a cake in her hands!!!!!! I was soo shocked and bloody happy!!! I was even close to tearing! but I didn't hehe....oh gosh!! then while eating Sarah just got up from the table and went out...and I was thinking where she went...then when she came back she brought her jacket in....then under it was a plastic bag and she gave it to it's a shirt...haha cute shirt some more....oh goshhh the story for that is soo funny and smart!!! haha
okok so the story for the shirt!!
It was a few weeks ago we went to One Utama. Sarah said she needed to buy something for her friend's birthday so ok we went looking around for her friends' gift.. then we went into Pull and Bear to check out for any nice shirts...there was one shirt which had a picture of a dog and it waz soo cute! lol! Sarah wasn't sure what size to buy so she turned to me, looked at me and said 'Nessa you look about the same size as her...go try this on now!!! ' lol!!!
I also played Pictionary for the first just like Cranium! haha had loadddss of fun playing that hahaha
I'm really lucky to have friends like them..!no one has ever done that for me before... =) lol I still can't believe they gave me a birthday surprise!!! XD
hehe =)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What happened today.
Well today we did quiche! it was really yhummyyy!! especially the spinach quiche! My group did Smoked Salmon....but it didn't taste as yhummy than the Spinach...but it was good anyway... lol =P
And boy do I regret not going to eat tom yam with my friends today....='( don't worry next time!!
Lol my aunt is really excited about baking cupcakes later! lol she bought a piping bag and cupcake holders like the ones' from The Apartment and it's no wonder they sell those tiny kuchimaiyo cupcakes at such a ridiculous price!! the holders itself is already expensive! and the ingredients! oh golly!!
I really have to ask her where she bought all the stuff! I'll post it when I get the details. =)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Last night.
but no worries...I already did!! YAY!
I'm gonna hitch a ride with a trucker that goes around my neighbourhood everyday and it seems he'll be passing KDU at 2! how great is that!!! lol....nah I'm just pulling your leg! my friend Jason is picking me!....lame right...but whatever! Thanks again Jason!!!
Then last night I went for my cousins wedding dinner at Passion Road it was great! the company was great and the food was great!...I didn't go for the actual wedding cause I had bloody class!! then at the dinner everyone kept asking me where I was?? and why didn't I come for the wedding?? oh gosh.....
Then on the way in I saw my counsellor!! the last person I thought I would see it seems he's the brides cousin! lol what a small world right! Now...I'm related to him!!! haha like long distant
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Let's recap.
In college.
this week during pastry class I did GOOD!! yay! after 4 weeks of failing miserably and getting lectured on how to decorate my dish. =( we did yummy bread!! my group did wholemeal! didn't know making bread was that easy! lol! I even snuck some bread out of the kitchen! ok that's a lie..I took all of the wholemeal bread that we made...haha!! the family loved it!
today we did lamb rack(which is located at the ribs and is known as the best part of the lamb) = most expensive part to eat!
we also did beef tenderloin....we cut it and grilled it! DAMNNNN NICEE!! yuuummm and there are so many french terms for all the cuts! it's a wonder how they remember it!
anyway well I've finally watched my long waited GOSSIP GIRL and GREY'S ANATOMY!!!
and I just finished watching a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother. haha Swarley!!! but I'm going to continue after this!
By the way!! I'm soo hooked to TEEN TITANS!! and shit!! I didn't record today's episodes!!! dang..... ='(
and speaking of which...I still don't know what I'm gonna do this coming Thursday....hmmm....=S
I think that time would be the perfect timing for me to ask my parents to get me GTA IV!! awesome!!! =D
Anyway something to brighten up this boring blog

Thursday, May 1, 2008
it really sucks.
oh gosh...sometimes..I really hate getting older....everything becomes harder...complicated...stressful... but that's just me thinking too much...which I happen to do most of the time..
why can't life be easier!?
why can't we have happy endings like they do in tv?? damn fairytales... instill unrealistic stories into peoples' minds.
but there are pros and cons about getting older...
well I'll be able to drive around...legally. =)
but that's all the pros that's really running through my head right now...
the cons...I'm gonna skip that... (which shows there are a lot of cons)
I think it's about time I go sleep now..cause tomorrow...I have to work.. shiba. how great right.. then I have class on saturday there goes my weekend...
so much for thinking I'll get to enjoy college life....
whatever lah.
I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
blur and tired.
oh gosh! I just realized that it isnt May yet! shiba!! the whole time for the past few days I thought it was MAY!!!!
That's it! Linessa!!! you are sooo blur!!! and also.....extremely tired right now.... just came back from college... and I'm currently sitting at my mom's office and waiting for her to LEAVE!!! which would be at 7.30ishish... shit.
HOLD ON!!! I sat in a Mazda RX-8! but the story to that is soo gay!! lol so I called my dad to pick me up you see...then we he called to say he was already here..I stood outside to wait! then..I saw this wicked Mazda RX-8! and this guy who was driving looked at me. Then what was going through my head when the door opened was ... 'AHHH some girl's gonna come out of that car...and that girl who I thought was coming out of that car was my DAD!!! my mouth just dropped! and I was like DAAAAD???? it seems that it was one of his colleagues who was driving sending my dad and I home cause my dad...apparently didn't drive himself to work today.. lol!! I was kinda emberassed cause when my dad's friend looked at me I sorta glared at him! lol! =P
The sad part about today that I have class on Saturday and now I can't go out with my friends this Saturday!! so yeah that's pretty screwed up.
well mom is finally ready to leave!!! so gotta run! =P
Saturday, April 26, 2008
David will always be my baby!
David Cook rocks!! I love his version of Always be my Baby by Mariah Carey!!!
To tell you the truth I didn't like him at first...but after this song!
Hope he wins! =P
Grey's Back!!!
but...I have to wait a week until Linora dearest comes back from Penang. ='(
I wonder what shes' doing right now??
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The 'O' So Whack Gang!
As usual...we didn't have a clue where to eat!!! so we just kept walking blindly until we reached an information board to see what restaurants were nice to eat!
Anyway after that loong walk we had our late lunch at The Lawn. food over there wasn't that bad...but I didn't really like what I had..chili! it wasn't like HOT HOT! I could still take it! =) but I'm not really satisfied with the food...=(

So after that we decided to head back but not before going into Topshop! lol Sara was soo cute! she didn't want to go in because she knew she was going to buy something..and she DID! lol

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Ballroom blitz.
Just a thought...
I found myself a new song!
lol! =P
the guy in the green suite with that ridiculously high collar reminds me of David Bowie from Labyrinth! I always found him a bit creepy....=S lol
speaking of which....I should go download that's really good.
Monday, April 21, 2008
'High' Linora
Linora is sick as helll!! and this morning she took some meds of different purposes...
- Reductil (slimming drug)
- Klacid ( antibiotic)
- Cough Mixture
- Panadol (flu)
I think there was more..but I just can't remember what they were...
Now! Linora is like super high! guess all those meds didn't really get along with her system. haha
On the way back from lunch she stared reciting her lines from her drama! like non-stop and kept repeating it over and over again! it was soo farny and she hell stupid! haha
Linora: OoOo the pretty flowersss!!
Now I can imagine her being drunk... she'll be funnier than this! and this is already super funny! haha!! weird sister. =P
But now I think she's back to her old self.... I think....ohh well...if she isn't...then...more entertainment...haha =P
I'm soo pissed at this report that I have to do! I read the stupid son of a gun handbook! and it's telling me a whole lot of crap!! I guess its the font that's bugging me... =(
I wish I was done with that report now! so that I won't be so stressed out and paranoid about it. Like what I'm being right now. shit. but hopefully this thursday it will be finished.
Oh yeah...I also need a bigger toolbox for my kitchen utensils.....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dang namb it!
just a thought..
Please kindly informs for the girls that, there will be a grooming workshop on skin care and make up for our female students; it is conducted by MYC and Clinique:
Date: May 7 (Wednesday)
Time: 10a.-12.00pm
Venue: Auditorium
Clinique would be putting up a booth to sell their products too. Attendant is Compulsory to this workshop. Therefore pls take down attendance. Thank you.
OH....MY.....GOSHH!!!! Do I look like the kind of person that wears MAKEUP!!??? sighhh...why laa...
I think I'll sit right at the back where they won't notice me...and besides I think all the makeup fans will be right at the not much to worry about...except being extremely bored!! =(
My friend was even considering of giving an M.C. so that we'll skip that. haha great idea but I'm not going to skip class just because of that stupid workshop.
anyway that's life for today.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
hey hey!
just thinking..
This week during butchery! we did LAMB!!!!! loads of fun! but tiring like heeell!! and I managed to cut myself again. =( but oh well.. anyway! about the lamb! we did the shank (which is below the knee) and the thigh. The shanks were alot harder to cut then the thigh...guess because it's smaller.
We had to take out the bone from both of them. I had to tunnel my way in to get to the joint where then I had to take out the GIGANTIC bone from the thigh! and tunnel in again to take out yet another GIGANTIC bone! and the challenging part was to not let the lamb from slipping! cause it was all bloody and everything...
The shanks took me about 2 hours to get the bones out because we had to do 2 shanks and 1 thigh. The thigh took me a shorter time to get the bones out.
On Wednesday all of us decided to watch a movie because we had a 5 hour break. I wanted to watch Definitely Maybe BUT A CERTAIN SOMEONE DIDN'T WANT TO! we ended up watching this chinese show The Three Kingdoms which was sooo boring! sorry Maggie Q...
I think I'll try doing the pudding again. I seriously screwed that up during class...and got bad comments on it. =S
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Eight Below...
I was just switching channels to see what was good to watch.. then I came across Eight Below and it's such a good movie! well I didn't actually get to see the whole movie....but not even halfway through the movie... I cried!!
DAMN!!!...cute....fluffy...cuddly....... snow dogs! 2 doggies died in the snow storm!! *sniff sniff* well actually one dog died because I guess he had given up hope that his master was coming back to get them....soooo sad!!!! and the other one died because he was playing in the snow then poor guy fell off the cliff!then all of them just surrounded him and sat beside him!....aiyo.....that really got to me.... =(
Those dogs can really act! amazing how the trainer taught them in this movie!
Everytime!! if there's a furry animal! and it's freaking adorable! and something terrible happens to it! I'll cry without a doubt! I cannot imagine that happening to my dogs!!!
Same goes to I am Legend...when he had to kill his dog! I cried like hell!

Not meant to be.. outing plans with the girls is CANCELLED! sigh... Sara is busy..Nadia can't come.. sighhhhhhh.........I should be used to that by now....
Just when I thought our luck has freaking hasn't... this really makes me think that maybe us going out is just not meant to be! and I really want to see them!
This has happened so often until my parents have to tell me to call them to make sure if it's really on....and they don't ask me once...they ask me like at least 4 times! That's how unreliable our plans are...and it's a good thing I call..because sometimes everything gets cancelled at the last minute!
like for instance...sara, wati, jing ying, nadia and I had planned to go to sunway lagoon...and this was planned like a couple of days before...then on actual day... one of them called and said that they have transport problem..then another one called to say that something came up....then another one called and said she can't come......... so after everything there was only wati and I... so in the end no one went to sunway lagoon..... sigggghhhhhhh.....
Friday, April 11, 2008
My playlist.
I'm just really bored right now..and I've got nothing else better to I'm just gonna type up some of the songs from playlist that I'm listening to on iTunes..
- Clarity - John Mayer
- Maddening shroud -Imogen Heap
- Look after You -The Fray
- Only got one -Imogen Heap
- Flicks- Imogen Heap
- When You were young -The Killers
- Pachuca Sunrise - Minus the Bear
- Built to last -Melee
- Sleeping through autumn- Melee
- These things move in trees - Mum-Ra
- Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John
- Music Box - Regina Spektor
- A Drop in the Ocean - Ron Pope
- Another Day - Timothy Chaisson
- Cliffs of dover - Eric Johnson
- Nightminds -Missy Higgins
- Timebomb -Beck
- No more running away - Air Traffic these are just some of the songs that I'm listening to at the moment...
I'll even put up a video!
Enjoy peepol!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Classes are gonna make me FAT!
I have a vision that I'll get fat in the next few months of my course....shit!
In every class..after cooking the dish..we have to eat it! and finish it! doi... this week during pastry class we did pancakes and fruit fritters... it wasn't all that bad actually... =) but hell fattening.... =(
Then today during larder was all about POTATOES! mash potatoes..baking the potatoes..boiling the potatoes , you name it! had a lot of fun doing it and eating it! lol! ohh but also very fattening!!! oh golly..... I think I'll exercise this weekend... lose all this fat that I've
I'm going to do it again this weekend! going to be butchery.. and we're doing FISH!! I'm so gonna stink tomorrow after class.... ooo igly sorry mama if your car happens to stink of fish...dont blame me! blame the FISH! lol =P
Monday, April 7, 2008
I mean they can very well do without me for a couple of days! right!
And I really want to get started with my chicken which I couldn't do yesterday... hell.....
Sometimes...I get this feeling that my parents don't love me as much as my brother and sister because my sister being the tai kah cheh and my brother being the baby of the family and I'm the middle child...I guess it's just sibling rivalry or something.... I don't know... and sometimes it doesn't bother me cause I don't give a shit! but sometimes...when I do give a shit...well then...I get all emo about it...
Kinda disappointed in myself for thinking that way...but I do!
whatever lah....
damn chicken....
I miss my therapist! (Sara) she always knows what to say when I need advice...or jump back into reality... =(
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Recent events to blog about!.... the reason I haven't been blogging for awhile is because....I'm busy as hell!!! nah I'm just pulling your's partly being plain lazy, well being the lazy ass that I am... and not having the mood to blog...
So's been 2 weeks since I started at KDU and everything's going well.... well all accept from cutting myself with my knife the other day during butchery class....=( careless me... and speaking of butchery class I'm so pissed at that chicken!!! I couldn't cut the chicken the right way!!! damn! so I've bought myself 2 chickens to practice tomorrow! I'm gonna slice those chickens till I get it right!! man frustrated me.. the lecturer suggested we video capture the lesson next I'm gonna try doing that the next class..
I'm so glad I took this course! it's really going to do good for of them is that I'll be more active in the kitchen and helping out with the cooking and slicing and dicing...=D
My aunt has even found me a part time job at this Dessert Bar downtown...I've only started with my course and she wants me to start working! lol but that's okay... this just means I'll have more options later on...=P
Anyway Christina is down in KL for a visit...with baby ANTON!!! he's soooo adorable!!!! the first time he saw me..he glared at me with his gigantic baby eyes!! it was soo precious!!! lol what's even more precious is when he smiles!!! omgosh!!! that's cute!!! then you can see his two front teeth sticking out lol!!

what else....I got a new desktop's wider than my old one...and I don't think this one will go all colored crazed on me!
By the way.. just thinking about it now....I have my very own cyber cafe in my house! lol...cause you see I have one soon mom... which means there are 5 computers in this house! lol but later 6! oh gosh...

Oh yeah! I've alsobought Crocs! I never thought I would have to buy those Gigantic.Ugly.Weird shoes....=S no honestly they are seriously ugly shoes! but it's a necessity for me..Safety First!