Sunday, May 11, 2008

Last night.

Saturday's class has now been changed from 2 pm until 4.30 pm....wth! now my parents are complaining how the school is not organized and all that crap...=( so now I have to find another alternative to get to school....

but no worries...I already did!! YAY!

I'm gonna hitch a ride with a trucker that goes around my neighbourhood everyday and it seems he'll be passing KDU at 2! how great is that!!! lol....nah I'm just pulling your leg! my friend Jason is picking me!....lame right...but whatever! Thanks again Jason!!!

Then last night I went for my cousins wedding dinner at Passion Road it was great! the company was great and the food was great!...I didn't go for the actual wedding cause I had bloody class!! then at the dinner everyone kept asking me where I was?? and why didn't I come for the wedding?? oh gosh.....

Then on the way in I saw my counsellor!! the last person I thought I would see it seems he's the brides cousin! lol what a small world right! Now...I'm related to him!!! haha like long distant

too bad Linora wasn't there to enjoy the night...she's in Singapore right now....for an audition for a musical...but she didn't get it...there's always next time. =P

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