Friday, March 14, 2008

Yesterday for had a craving for tosai...soo went over to Deen...but it was 12ish and I forgot that the guy making all the roti had gone in the end we had to eat Nasi Briyani.... not one of my favourites..but it'll do. =P

So mom went to pick out the food that she wanted...while I ordered the drinks. Teh 'O' Ais Limau. Then when I turned over to see how she was doing..I saw her flapping her arms!I was like what the heck is mom doing??!!!! But obviously I knew it had something to do with chicken...

So when she came back...I asked her why she was flapping her arm?? and she told me that she didn't know the term for chicken wings in Malay so she flapped her arms like a chicken!! and the guy understood her! haha

Thank goodness nobody was looking!

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