Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Freaking turd!

The whole of today at the office I was walking around half- barefoot! I say half barefoot because I was still wearing one shoe..... and all because of some animal's turd that was lying around and I stepped on it by accident! shit...

I was wearing adidas too!!! which took forever to clean off!! because you know..adidas's shoe sole....If you get my drift......

I took so long to clean it until one of my colleagues got worried! lol...she was like what happened? are you okay????

After I told her..she bursted out laughing so loud!!! =(

Yeah it was STINKY!!! if you can imagine..... =S

So here's me half-barefooted.....

What happened to the other shoe you ask...

It was left in one corner....I gave it a timeout!

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