Monday, December 24, 2007

Spread the Christmas Joy?

Well christmas is tomorrow...but somehow it's not so jolly this year than my other christmas holidays..what a drag....I'm not having my usual Christmas gatherings with my friends and my sister is in Penang celebrating christmas yeah... this season aint so jolly! also this family of mine doesn't seem to know how to spread christmas joy? what's up with that? seriously..


You know I've always wanted a christmas holiday that includes ALL of my relatives that I barely see or never heard of! I really want to me all of cousins, aunties, uncles, grandaunties, granduncles...and so on so forth. Not to mention all of my ol' time buddies from kindergarten, primary and secondary school! yeah that would be great!I don't even care about the gifts! all I want is family and friends who I love surrounding me! that would be the greatest gift of all! dontcha think?

as the saying goes...'Blood is thicker than water'

but I doubt this dream christmas gathering will ever happen. but it's nice to dream..right?

Hope all of you have a jolly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

That phrase is starting to annoy me..
but that said you should've seen my post... next year i'll b home fro Christmas... missed you all this Christmas.... :(