Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pissed off!!

I'm so freaking pissed and annoyed!

I've been trying to change my blog template for awhile now...and I finally! Finally did!


When I showed it to my sister..she said it didnt suit me...soo..I changed it...sigh(big mistake)...since then..I've been searching  for a nice blog template! but everytime I do it doesnt bloody work!! 

What the hell is up with that!

I'm so annoyed and irritated to the point where I feel nauseous!! I'm so sick of it!!

I need help! I really do! because I'm so useless with this thing!! My sister couldn't even help me with this! sighhhhhh...

You think maybe it's also because this computer of mine is so screwed up beyond all reason...

There was one time..where I plugged it my hard drive into my sister's computer and you know how many viruses were in my hard drive!! guess........ no no really just guess............give up?? well it wasn't 10 or 20 viruses......Oh no no......there were
155!!..YES...155!! viruses infecting my computer!!!

How much screwed up can this computer get! Seriously!!

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