Thursday, February 28, 2008

Precious little things.

I've got nothing to blog right now...actually... I didnt have anything to blog about for the past few days.....I guess all of my creative thinking as gone kaput!! =( but I'm sure I'll get it back soon! then surely I'll put up something.

Anyway....I thought I post some pictures of my cutie dogs!! who I adore sooo very much!!! lol

Here's lil Rex!! When he saw me with the camera he immediately stopped! and laid down!! lol cute....dumb dog haha!! talk about camera

Lol!! look at them sleep soundlessly....soo adorable =P

This here! is the man of the house!! this of the house! lol! Benji!!

Rex is always daydreaming......

I caught Duchess sunbathing under the sun! lol I dont have a clue why she does that...but it's soo cute!!! =P

You can't see it...but she was attacking a grasshopper....a dead one....-_-....

Love this shot of Benji!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What will be going on.

Well February is nearly coming to an end! and days before it ends I'm going to be super occupied!!

I'm going to finally register myself into KDU after delaying it for quite last minute stuffs!! lol....then then...I'm going to also finally cut my hair! along with my sister. Oh gosh! I hope I don't come out of that hairdresser looking like a freaking APE!!!*fingers crossed*

I'm so afraid on Thursday!!!!!! results are here people!!! my heart is racing like shit man!!! I hope it's good news.....

Grad night is on friday! really good timing huh! the day before is results then suddenly it's graduation! and what if there are people still sobbing about their results??!! oh golly...poor things......

By the way have you noticed I've finally put up Nuffnang adverts on my blog! which I've been wanting to do since my sister told me about nuffnang. lol I guess it's also one of the reasons is...maybe because I want to go to this pyjama party that nuffnang has organized! lol

One must first become a member to enter this competition...and you have to give a blog Entry to get an invite..and the topic is “I sleep better with Chipster”.

I gave my sister a pippin of an idea on what to post up as an entry!! lol

and the first prize is a MacBook Pro...i think...then second place is a Wii!!! and third place is an Ipod!! pretty cool prizes! I hope Linora wins first place or second place! lol

Friday, February 22, 2008

With you.

I'm not exactly a fan but I love this song from Chris Brown!

With you.

I need you boo
I gotta see you boo
And there's hearts all over the world tonight
Said there's hearts all over the world tonight
I need you boo
I gotta see you boo
And there's hearts all over the world tonight
Said there's hearts all over the world tonight

Hey lil mama, ooh you're a stunner
Hot little figure, yes you a winner, and
I'm so glad to be yours
You're a class of your own and
Ooh little cutie, when you talk to me
I swear the whole world stops
You're my sweetheart and
I'm so glad that you're mine
You are one of a kind, and
You mean to me what I mean to you
And together baby there is nothing we won't do

'Cause if I got you
I don't need money
I don't need cars
Girl you're my heart

And oh, I'm into you and
Girl no one else would do
With every kiss and every hug
You make me fall in love
And now I know I can't be the only one
I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight
With the love of their life who feel
What I feel when I'm with you, with you, with you, with you, with you... girl
With you, with you, with you, with you, with you... Oh girl

I don't want nobody else
Without you there's noone left, and
You're like Jordans on Saturday
I gotta have you and I cannot wait now
Hey lil shorty, say you care for me
You know I care for you
You know that I will be true
You know that I won't lie
You know that I will try
Be your everything

'Cause if I got you
I don't need money
I don't need cars
Girl you're my heart

Oh, I'm into you and
Girl no one else would do
With every kiss and every hug
You make me fall in love
And now I know I can't be the only one
I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight
With the love of their life who feel
What I feel when I'm with you, with you, with you, with you, with you... ohhh
With you, with you, with you, with you, with you... Yeah

And I will never try
To deny that you are my whole life
'Cause if you ever let me go
I would die so I won't run
I don't need another woman
I just need you or nothing
'Cause if I got that
Then I'll be straight
Baby you're the best part of my day

I need you boo
I gotta see you boo
And there's hearts all over the world tonight
Said there's hearts all over the world tonight
They need their boo
They gotta see their boo
Said there's hearts all over the world tonight
Hearts all over the world tonight

And oh, I'm into you and
Girl no one else would do
With every kiss and every hug
You make me fall in love
And now I know I can't be the only one
I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight
With the love of their life who feel
What I feel when I'm with you, with you, with you, with you, with you... ohhh(girl)
With you, with you, with you, with you, with you... ohhh
With you, with you, with you, with you, with you...
With you, with you, with you, with you, with you...
Baby yeah


I've been hiccuping non-stop today!! it keeps coming and going!! and it has been 3 times now...sigh....

While I was hiccuping I thought what the hell did I do to trigger this ridiculous invounlatary aberration!! well it seems as a result from my coughing...which I've been doing the whole day...has triggered this fellow...sigh... and also drinking a cold drink after a hot meal apparently is one of the ways to trigger hiccups....and maybe drinking alcohol yesterday.....but I didnt drink excessively...I promise o=)

I even started thinking about an episode that happened in Grey's Anatomy...where Meredith's stepmom was hiccuping nonstop and it was one of the symptoms for one unnamable disease that caused her death. Kinda scared me there.....but I'm overeacting.

P.S. I heard that this year because of the elections that is going on the results for spm that is going to be given out this THURSDAY!!! 28 gonna be music to everyone's ears....
So good luck everyone I hope everyone's gonna get the results they wanted!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Well...finally an update.

Yesterday when I went back home for lunch the whole house suddenly blacked out! YESH!!!! so mom called TNB and asked what had happened...they said that it was a major thing and the light would be back on in 2 to 3 hours....DOUBLE YESHH!!! and it has affected the whole area of melawati.which also means...the office is affected as well... TRIPLE YESHHH!!!!!

lol! how ecstatic I was!!!

so my mom said..

Mom: Well ness...I guess you dont have to go back to the office today.
Me: umm.. yeah sure ok *thinks* YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

I hope it happens again. lol

anywayz on another note. I've started reading this book called Carry on, Jeeves by P.G.Woodhouse. It's a comedy book so it's alot more interesting.
For those who know me...knows that I hate reading....wait...scratch that...I dont hate reading....just prefer not to...because to me it always seemed boring after awhile...if you give me a book to has to be a short story. Not the ones that just keeps going on and on...

Lol has anyone heard of this word...thingummy... sounds really cute...but it's used to refer to a person or thing whose name you do not know or have forgotten, or which you do not want to mention lol! words people come up with. XD

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Omgosh!!! I was just told that SPM results are coming out by the

END of this MONTH!!! 27/28 FEBRUARY!!!!!

YAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!! and also.....CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!



Friday, February 15, 2008

I want to KILL YOU!!!



It's sooooo ultimately screwed up!! *thinks* why does everything I touch gets screwed up??? sigh....

Let me show you what I have to deal with until I find.(very sneakily)...a way to get a new desktop..... but until then I'm stuck with this. here take a look.

Here you see a very much multicolored screen...very clear screen...but then....

Just as I shift myself into a more comfortable position...I find myself facing a friggin blue screen! and a very blurry one too!

Then to make things even worse! the screen goes pit black!! like so..... sigh..I want to MURDER THIS COMPUTER!!!! Jee Weezz!!

I can't get a new one...cause it's still usable but its just that.... its sooo unimaginably irritating! especially when I'm watching ruins the moment...and I end up feeling lousy and angry. least the good that my computer hasn't died completely like my brothers' computer. I mean his computer JUST DIED!! all thanks to my dad who has this thing about downloading viruses from unknown sites....did I mention that my dad's computer was as equally screwed up like my brothers....but I guess for now dad's computer will be fine...

Daft Punk hands.

Well something to blog about.

Was watching The Ellen Degeneres show and she showed some videos that she found off youtube

one of them was this fella having Daft Punk hands playing to Stronger.

Quite cool actually he did it all in one take.

Enjoy =P

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I've really done it this time.......I've gotten my whole family sick!!

Who knew I was that contagious!!

So anyone who wants to get sick just come to me! I'll get you sick in no time! lol!

There was actually a time when there was a cycle where I could tell when it would be my turn to get sick. Very strange I know...hehe

I guess I've gotten a wee bit better since yesterday....but now I'm coughing! sigh..

Monday, February 11, 2008

Stuck in Between.

Culinary or Interior design????
That's the Million Dollar Question!
I'm stuck in between both of these courses that I want to take in college....
Dont get me wrong I love culinary but I love interior design as well! shit.
I asked my aunt on her opinions on both of these courses......and this is what she had to say....
Me: What do you think I should do?
Aunt: Well ness...dont get influenced by others...and do what your heart tells you to do! but...I think you should have Interior design as you first choice and culinary as your second choice..but that's what I think..
Well my heart is telling me that I want to do BOTH!! but obviously it's impossible!
So I talked to my mom about my problem...and being practical as she is...she said that I should take something that I love and will be able to find a job easily...
I love doing both!
You see the one thing that I'm worried about culinary is the pay....eventhough people say that this line is really popular and what not..the pay isnt high..enough! unless of course you are your own boss...
I'm getting pretty worried...I can't be having cold feet now!!! what the hell!

2008....not a good start to a new year..

Guess What!

Hey people! guess what!!

I'm SICK! yet again.... doh!

This really goes to show how well I take care of myself! so terribyble that I allow my weak self to get sick in what!?? not more than 2 weeks ago!

So the usual nonsense I go through when I'm sick...

  1. can't sleep at night
  2. feel really crappy!
  3. just want to stay home and not go to work!
  4. eat meds...but I wish I could hit the big time and die from an overdose! Like now for instance... =P


I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!! NEEED....OXYgen........


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tick! Tick!

I freaking LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!

I have no idea why! but I'll dance to this song! lol!! so if anytime you see me hearing this song! you can expect me to be dancing!! =P

Timebomb ticking
Timebomb ticking


Feel Good.

After 2 days of stuffing my face with CNY cookies, biscuits and shandy! I feel soo FAT!!

So finally after two days of not going to the gym..I finally did! but I had to wait a very long while for 'someone' before going...

This 'someone' I'm talking about is Linora! You see...this is what happened....

1.40 pm (still sleeping btw)

Linora: NESSS!!!! GET UP!!!! LET'S GO TO THE GYM!!!
Me: ahhhhhh...arghhhh......yeah yeah ok...bye bye...
Linora: NESSSS!!!! GET UP!!!!! ( Pulls my blanket away from me!)
Me: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linora: Ok get ready.. we're leaving soon....

3 hours later......

Me: Linora.....when are we going to the gym?????
Linora: Soon soon....
Me: Fine...

1 hour later....

Me: WHEN ARE WE GOING!!???????? AHH I don't want to go anymore mood...
Linora: OK OK OK!!(laughs) I'll change......haha.....

So YES! we did finally end up going to the gym! and stayed there for about hour or so..hopefully I sweated out all the cookies and biscuits =P

Family FUN!

Well...its 1.40 am
.February 9.
.And the 3rd day of Chinese New Year!

I guess...I'll tell how these past few days was like at home. Well on the first day of New Year..all of my folks came by and as usual we had our family reunion with aunties and uncles but my cousins werent there because they had to go to their parents-in-laws place. We had heaps of food!!

  • Chicken Feet! ultimate favourite!!
  • Chicken
  • Oh so very green Veggies!
  • Pork
  • Prawns
  • Sea cucumber.....eeeewwwww
  • Fish stomach! this is the only internal organ of any animal I'll ever eat!
  • and who can forget! YEE SANG!!
Beautiful Setting.

The Yee Sang before it got attacked! lol Colourful isnt it.=P
Have No MERCY!!! lol!

On to the next day.

Well..went to my grandma's place(mom's side) and chilled there for awhile...then headed off to my mom's auntie's place..which was around the corner...had lunch there... and chilled there till 3ish...and you know what! On the way to my mom's aunties aunt called saying the 'Ampang Road Gang' are already here!(that's what we refer them to..because they used to live on Ampang

The sad thing is...we spent way too long at my mom's auntie's place...and by the time we got back everyone was already in their car heading off!!! what the hell!! I thought we could make it back in that all of us could chill and mingle..and play cards together....but no...sigh...I guess there's always next year....sigh....

The funny thing was that...when we got back everyone came out of their cars and we started mingling on the road!! lol! and everyone started giving out ang pao's on the street! lol then after a few minutes of catching up...everyone got back into their cars and headed off....sigh....

Sooo...when everyone was gone! all the attention was now on Baby Jared!! haha cute lil baby!!! we played with him the whole day!! and even tucked him in for his afternoon nap!! sooo cute!!! it took awhile though...he had to do his daily routine before going to sleep...which was he had to roll over all over the bed and do some handstands lol!!! so cutte!!!! by that time my sister, brother and I wanted sleep before he fell asleep lol!! but thank goodness he didnt take a long time to settle down...phew...usually he takes 30 minutes to settle..but fortunately this was 15 minutes! hehe lil rascal!

After Jared went to sleep..I immediately went upstairs to take a nap myself! lol! so yeah all of us had another dinner gathering but this time including my cousins and JARED!!!

So yeah that's what happened at home...and I had heaps of New Year Fun!!

I'm just hoping that next year we will be at home when the 'Ampang Road Gang' comes to visit!

Take Care people!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Stark raving Mad!

People! check out this crazy german kid going nuts over counter strike!

This isnt the direct translation for this video...that's another one...but it wasn't as funny as this one!! haha!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

Oh Goodness Gravy!!! I totally forgot to wish all of my fellow chinese friends..


I've talking about getting ang pao and I didnt wish a happy new year to everyone...=( my bad......

Sorry about that....

Hope everyone gets a great amount of ANG PAO this year!!...there I go again...talking about ang pao....doh!

Good News!

Yay!!my sister has decided to help me with my blog template problem...she has decided to make one for me! lol yay!!

I'm just so fed up of looking for skins....and I'm soo fed up of not being able to actually put a skin up!

Yeah so...anyway...I'm searching through photos from

I've found heaps of photos for Linora to put up on the blog template! I cant wait!!! lol

It's gonna look vintage!! and the photos I picked out has a story to aint that friggin cool!!

Just hope Linora can fit all of them in there and not make it seem all cramped up!! *fingers crossed*

When she's done with it..I may tell you what's it all about! ;P

Dracula:Dead and Loving it.

I just finished watching Dracula; Dead and Loving It with my sister and it's hell funny!!

I remembered about the movie when my brother was playing one of the songs from the movie on his game...O2 Jam...

Anyway..watched it and my sister and I laughed like hell!! it was soooo funnyy!!

This is the kinda movie that is evergreen. lol!

Actor Leslie Nielsen was acting is the famous Count Dracula. As you can imagine. Leslie Nielsen is a very funny actor from his previous movies Mr.Magoo as Mr Quincy Magoo! lol! one hell of a funny fella. I never really knew him my his real name just by everytime I see him..I'll call him Mr. Magoo!!

Oh and Peter MacNicol who I think all of you many know of him as John Cage from Ally Mcbeal..Here..he was Reinfield the bumbling fool of a slave! but a funny one at that! hahaha.....his famous words in the movie...'Yes MASTER!!' haha

Amy Yasbeck as Mina
Lol! the autopsy room!! hahaLysette Anthony as Lucy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

On the way.

Well I went on the treadmill! two days in a row!! kinda good..


I hope I keep this gyming streak up! I'm going to RSGC with a friend tomorrow. Should be fun!

I have to stop eating ice-cream's kinda ruining my losing weight plan...ate some today actually.....damn... oh well I think I burned it off already..

Now I have to learn to burn more than gain more...

Chinese New Year!

Yay!! tomorrow...uhumm excuse! I'm having a half-day off from work!! YAHOO!!!

Ok maybe it's not that great than having the WHOLE day off..but I'll settle with it. And besides...I'm having the whole week off after tomorrow.... dont you just love Chinese New Year!! lol! I definitely do!

Gonna get ANG PAO!!!!! where else in mandarin..we call it HONG PAO!!!! I'm not sure that's how you spell it..but that's how I can understand it and actually pronouncing it....

I hope I get alot of $$ this year hehe lol!

I wonder what my family is going to do this New Year....hmmm..... well I know we always have our family reunion with my closest cousins and aunties and uncles..and not forgetting our new family member!


He's so cutee!! He's birthday is around the corner too! Feb 18...what to get for that lil rascal....=P

Monday, February 4, 2008


I have a goal to achieve! Very important goal!

Lose weight!! by.... exercising!

Kinda lazy to do it...but...NO!! NA AH!!

How do I get inspired...I dont easily get inspired..and if I's only during that moment kinda thing....

And also..not get bored when on the treadmill......sigh...

Hmm...and eat sensibly and moderately... that'll be hard though...there's so much of junk food at home right now..cause of Chinese New Year....


  • eating rubbish..
  • scavenging for food at night..
  • cravings.........


  • eat lots lots of fruits and veggies..

It has come down to DVD's.


I've nothing to watch these days...since the writer's strike came about....

I've ran out of....

  • Gossip Girl
  • Grey's Anatomy

Well...mainly those two....

Gossip Girl has endend their as Grey's Anatomy! aiyayayayayai...

So's all up to DVD's to entertain by boring mind. Lol!

That's a good thing I guess..cause now I can finally catch up on my latest addiction...BOSTON LEGAL!! LOL!

I love Alan Shore! He's such a brilliant lawyer! and a very sarcastic one too!

Crane, Pool and Schmidt

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Awesome day!!

Today was a friggin great day!! I finally went out with my friends after well...a really long time!!! Oh how I miss going out with them..I forgot how much of fun I have with them!!

Anyways after not camaddicting with them in a very long time! we finally did!!

This is going to be short...

We first met up at Pavilion and watched Meet the Spartans! Hell funny! Then we headed for lunch at Planet Hollywood as planned lol! then we went 
to Sungei Wang to camaddict even more!! lol i t was also my first time taking photos in that photobooth! lol so much of fun!!! Now...thanx to my dear dear Jing Ying! I want to do it again!!! haha

Anyway.. enjoy the pictures!

Nice red lips!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pissed off!!

I'm so freaking pissed and annoyed!

I've been trying to change my blog template for awhile now...and I finally! Finally did!


When I showed it to my sister..she said it didnt suit me...soo..I changed it...sigh(big mistake)...since then..I've been searching  for a nice blog template! but everytime I do it doesnt bloody work!! 

What the hell is up with that!

I'm so annoyed and irritated to the point where I feel nauseous!! I'm so sick of it!!

I need help! I really do! because I'm so useless with this thing!! My sister couldn't even help me with this! sighhhhhh...

You think maybe it's also because this computer of mine is so screwed up beyond all reason...

There was one time..where I plugged it my hard drive into my sister's computer and you know how many viruses were in my hard drive!! guess........ no no really just guess............give up?? well it wasn't 10 or 20 viruses......Oh no no......there were
155!!..YES...155!! viruses infecting my computer!!!

How much screwed up can this computer get! Seriously!!